Art update: Nice digital art with the name: “Japan Unlimited” spotted at the nice day care in Sittard, The Netherlands

Today on this nice day with some nice temperatures we did go out. And we did go out in the nice city Sittard in The Netherlands. And at the nice day care in Sittard we could realize some nice artworks. And next to all hard “art-work” there was some space for a nice cup of coffee or a nice glass of water.

And today artist “Pietro del Villa” did see how the accompanist of the nice day care created a nice “digital-artwork”. The digital artwork was created with the help of a (computer) tablet and some software. The software were the digital artwork was created with, has the name: “Procreate”. The end-result was nice to see. Because you can see a red circle on the digital artwork, we must think on the flag of Japan. But next to this you can find some more figures on the artwork. So thats why the digital artwork did get the name “Japan Unlimited”! Many thanks to the accompanist of the nice day care who showed how to make this nice digital artwork in Sittard.

Underneath you can find a picture of the digital artwork with the name “Japan Unlimited”. You only have to scroll down at this webpage to see the digital artwork picture! We wish you already some digital-art-fun on this website!

A nice shot from the digital created artwork today by the nice accompanist at the nice day care in Sittard. A nice “end-result” in Sittard at the nice day care.

(Picture: June, 2024, Sittard, The Netherlands)