Art-update: Nice artwork called: “Yellow leaves in the Air” realized today by artist “Pietro del Villa” in Sittard, The Netherlands

Today at this nice day we did go out in the nice city Sittard in The Netherlands. And in this nice city in The Netherlands we went to the nice day care. And on this nice day care there was some space/time to create some artworks that you want to create. And next all work there was some space/time for a nice glass of water or a nice cup of coffee.

And today artist “Pietro del Villa” did realized at the nice day care a artwork that is called: “Yellow leaves in the Air”. It is a small artwork on a small canvas-cloth, made in Sittard. The small canvas-cloth was painted in the color “lightblue” a week earlier. The “lightblue” color is the background color of the artwork. And today the artwork was finished by artist “Pietro del Villa” in Sittard at the nice day care. On the lightblue background there were two leaves created with the help of some nice templates. This all in the color “yellow”. With some imagination you can see the lightblue background color as the “air”. That is why the artwork did get the name: “Yellow leaves in the Air”! And also we wanted to create a easy but beautiful artwork today!

We already made some interesting pictures about this nice small artwork in Sittard. You can see all pictures underneath if you want! You only have to scroll down for this at this webpage! We wish you already a lot of acrylic-painting-fun and art-fun on this website!

A nice shot from the small canvas-cloth with the “lightblue” background color. This was created/prepared a week earlier at the nice day care in Sittard.
Some nice “templates” on the small artwork in Sittard!
This picture shows clearly the use of some “masking tape” to stick the templates on the artwork.
A nice shot from the used acrylic yellow paint in Sittard.
The templates stippled with some yellow acrylic paint on the artwork in Sittard.
The artwork almost finished in Sittard at the nice day care.
The artwork on the “easel” in the art-room in Sittard at the nice day care.
Again a nice shot from the nice artwork that was finished today in Sittard.
Also a nice shot from the “end-result” of the artwork in Sittard.

(Pictures: May, 2023, Sittard, The Netherlands)