Art update: Nice “Art Getaway” to nice care farm in Sittard, The Netherlands

Today at thise nice day with a lot of sunshine we did go out in the nice city Sittard in The Netherlands. And in this nice city in The Netherlands we went to the nice day care. And it was a little bit special day today at the nice day care, because we had a “Art Getaway” to the nice care farm in Sittard. And next to all hard “art-work” at the nice care farm there was also some space to eat some nice flan and drink some nice coffee. So many thanks for this!

And at the nice care farm in the nice city Sittard in The Netherlands we could create some nice artworks today. And at the nice care farm we did get a art-task to draw a drawing from one or more animals at the care farm with a charcoal stick. This all in 3 minutes, so there was not a lot of time to create the artwork on a small grey cardboard. But it was fun to do. After this there was some space/time to create a nice watercolor artwork by using some “watercolor-paint”. There were some nice results to see from several attendees of the day care in Sittard. The care farm is a nice place to make some drawings of several animals that live there. Many thanks to all accompanists who made this “Art Getaway” possible.

We already made today some interesting pictures about this interesting “Art Getaway” in Sittard at the nice care farm. If you want you can see all pictures underneath. The only thing you have to do is to scroll down at this webpage! We wish you already some charcoal-fun, watercolor-fun and general art-fun on this website!

A nice shot from some nice animals/birds of the nice care farm in Sittard.
A nice shot from a nice bird at the nice care farm in Sittard. A nice shot to get some inspiration for the group-task to make a small artwork wit charcoal in three minutes!
The nice charcoal results at the nice care farm in Sittard.
A nice shot from two nice donkeys in Sittard at the nice care farm. This was used as a inspiration-picture to create a artwork with watercolor paint in Sittard.
A nice shot from a nice “donkey” drawing realized with charcoal at the nice care farm in Sittard.
Some “brushes” ready to be used at the nice care farm in Sittard.
A nice shot from the nice “watercolor set” that was used today to create some artworks.
A nice shot from the nice artwork created by artist “Pietro del Villa” at the nice care farm in Sittard.
Also a nice shot from the nice “end-result” in Sittard at the nice care farm.
A nice picture from all the artworks together. All the artworks were realized today at the nice care farm in Sittard, this by the attendees and accompanists of the day care.
Also a nice shot from the nice “end-results” in Sittard at the nice care farm.

(Pictures: July, 2024, Sittard, The Netherlands)