Art update: Nice getaway and nice artwork called: “Sittard Paradise” spotted in Sittard, The Netherlands

Today at this nice day with some sunshine and nice temperatures we did go out in the nice city Sittard in The Netherlands. And on this nice day we went to the nice day care in Sittard. And there was some space at the nice day care to drink a nice cup of coffee. And around the coffee corner there was some interesting conversation about creating art and Formula 1 Racing. The volunteer from the nice day care said some nice words like this: “Creating Art is sometimes like Formula 1 Racing; Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not work!”. Many thanks for this nice words!

And today was a little bit special day because there was a getaway to the St. Rosa Chapel in Sittard. This with the goal of making some nice drawings of this nice small chapel in Sittard. There was a religious mass going on on the nice small chapel. So we moved on in the forest in Sittard and we found a nice place to draw some landscapes in Sittard. And artist “Pietro del Villa” did create a drawing of the nice landscape in Sittard that is called: “Sittard Paradise”. This because the spot we found for the landscape drawing was very nice and looks a little bit like a “Paradise”. So now you know where the name of the artwork comes from. We went to this spot by walking through the forest in Sittard and walking and talking about religion and life etc. Many thanks for the accompanist of the nice day care who organized the nice getaway. For the artwork/drawing there was used a (big) white paper, a grey pencil, somekind of pastel crayon (black) with some water. The end-result was nice to see!

We already made some interesting picrures about this nice artwork/drawing in Sittard. If you want you can see all pictures underneath. You only have to scroll down at this webpage! We wish you already some drawing-fun and general art-fun on this website!

A nice picture from the nice “drawing-spot” we found in Sittard near the St. Rosa Chapel.
Again a nice shot from the location we found. It looks a little bit like a “paradise”!
The first drawing lines from artist “Pietro del Villa” on the (big) white paper in Sittard.
Some more drawing-lines on the artwork in Sittard.
The drawing/artwork almost finished in Sittard.
A nice shot from the nice “end-result” in Sittard at the nice spot we found.
A nice shot from a small and nice “genuflection” in Sittard near the nice spot we found.
The nice spot/location we found was on the “Kolleberg” (small mountain) in Sittard in The Netherlands.
Again a nice shot from the nice spot/place we found in Sittard.
A nice shot from the nice “St. Rosa Chapel” in Sittard.
Again a nice shot from the nice “St. Rosa Chapel” in Sittard. We saw the nice chapel while we were walking in Sittard.
Also a nice shot from another “genuflection” in the forest in Sittard.
A nice shot from a nice “religion-cave” we saw while we were walking through the forest in Sittard.
A nice shot from the nice “fence” we saw at the “religion-cave” in Sittard.
This picture shows clearly that we were walking today at the “Kollenberg” street in the nice city Sittard in The Netherlands.

(Pictures: August, 2024, Sittard, The Netherlands)

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